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Letter of Support for Local Tourism Business

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Your Name
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City, Province
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Name of MPP
The Honourable Name of MPP (if Minister)
Address of Constituency Office]


Dear [name of MPP];


As a citizen living in your riding, I am writing to express my concern with the current difficulty that a local small business, Brew Donkey, is experiencing with the Travel Industry Council of Ontario (“TICO”).


On April 17, the Company received a notice from TICO concerning a compliance issue in regards to their operations. According to the letter received, TICO believes Brew Donkey is providing travel services without prior registration as a travel agent and therefore contravening the provincial legislation governing the travel industry in Ontario.


In order to become compliant they must either become a registered travel agent, or work as an Outside Sales Representative with an existing TICO registered travel agency through whom all of the business must flow. The Company was given until May 4, 2015 to become compliant, with an extension granted until May 19. After such time, if Brew Donkey remains non-compliant, they face legal action if any monies are accepted for brewery tours.


While Brew Donkey intends to do everything it can to become compliant, they are still in discussions with their lawyers and educating themselves on the Act itself. They believe that they fall within an exemption* of the Act which would not require them to take any further action. At this time, the two parties are at a disagreement regarding the classification, and with the short time-frame given by TICO this has left the Company with very few options.


As one of your constituents, it is my suggestion that you adopt a firm position against the ruling of TICO in regards to the Brew Donkey operations and allow this great local business to continue offering their services to support local Ottawa craft breweries.


Thank you for your time and consideration.



[Your Name and Signature]


*Exemption 2.2 under the Travel Industry Act reads: A person (other than a person who operates an airline, cruise line or bus line) who, in connection with the business of being an end supplier of travel services, also provides local travel services that are purchased from another person, but does not accept payment of more than 25 per cent of the cost of the travel services sold to any customer more than 30 days before the travel services are to be provided.


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