The true story of why Tooth And Nail owner Matt Tweedy finally made a Brutbier Sour.

During their 6 plus years of business almost every beer that has been made at Tooth And Nail has been brewed to style.
In March of 2021 though Matt was approached by the Sarsaparilla Council of America (SCAm) by phone and they pleaded the case for Tooth And Nail to make a specialty batch of beer.
The counsel was successful in convincing the team to create the one off beer but due to a bad connection on Zoom the Tooth and Nail team proceeded to create a stellar Brutbier instead of the requested Root-Beer.
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Although this may be a wild tale, it is not the true story of how this Tooth and Nail beer became.
To hear true and factual tales from them find them on a brewery tours and get the story straight.
Our next tours to Tooth and Nail
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